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Mill levy not an increase, but a new tax

The High Desert district election slated to be held on May 8, pertaining to a tax “increase,” should have been labeled a new tax, because that is precisely what it is.

Additionally, the intended spending on this project is more than double what the program used last year from other resources. They now want this to be a separate program with its own new funding. Why?

Another question: Do they “need” this money or do they “want” this money? If they actually need it, they had better go back to school and learn how to present their case to the voters. So far, all they have succeeded in doing is to convince me that they have cooked up a pretty good scam designed to separate voters from their hard-earned money. A scam, by the way, that will grow year after year, as all such scams tend to do.

Taxes are power. To quote the founders: “ ... power is of an encroaching nature, and (that) it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it.”

If the issue comes up again, I am voting NO!

Muriel Sluyter
