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Mancos school board likely to leave vacancy for voters to fill

Directors likely to wait for November election results
The Mancos school board will likely leave a vacant seat open until November, when voters will fill the seat.

MANCOS – The Mancos school board will leave a vacancy unfilled until the school board election in November.

The board received three applications to fill the post of Ed Whritner, who resigned from last month to become the project-based learning coordinator.

However, at the board meeting July 15, trustees said they preferred to leave the position vacant until November, when Whritner’s term was up.

“I’d just like to let it ride to the election,” said board member Tim Hunter. “We don’t have to fill that position.”

All seats on the board are elected at-large and represent the entire school district.

The three applicants were Bridgett Jabour, Katie Cahill-Volpe, and Nick Manning.

They were all interviewed prior to the July board meeting. The directors present said all three were highly qualified, and it would be difficult to choose among the three.

“I don’t know who I could single out at this point,” Board President Blake Mitchell said.

Board Secretary Pamela Coppinger noted that it takes a while for the board to get “in sync,” and four months might not be enough time for that to happen.

As board president, Mitchell has 60 days in which he can possibly appoint someone to fill the spot. If he chooses not to, then it goes to an election.

So far, Mitchell has not opted to appoint anyone.

In addition to replacing Whritner, Coppinger and Hunter’s terms also end in November, meaning that three seats will be before voters.

The district’s administrative assistant, Heather McKie, will be able to publish a call for nominations on Aug. 7; the last day to file nominations will be Aug. 30.


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