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Mancos reconsiders commercial-building moratorium

The town board will consider new laws at the Wednesday, Feb. 12, meeting, including one to extend a moratorium on large commercial buildings and one to make it illegal to dump trash on town property.

At a town meeting in January, developers looking to build a Family Dollar were met with protest signs during their presentation.

The measure the board will consider would extend a ban on commercial buildings over 5,000 square feet until June 1. The ban was put in place in September and was set to expire in March

The board announced in public documents the extension would give them time to research and change the Mancos Land Use Code to handle commercial development.

The board is planning a workshop on land use in the highway business zone Feb. 15.

The trustees will consider spending $2,400 on the meeting which will be led by a consultant from Russell Planning and Engineering to lead the workshop.

Another ordinance the trustees will consider would allow the town to fine residents up to $1,000 for dumping trash on town property. An old law allowed citizens to leave trash on town property for a $4 fee.

The board will also mull over approving a vendor that would supply town water meters for five years.