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Local leaders let me down on Prop 112

I am extremely disappointed that the Montezuma county commissioners chose to declare their opposition to this important proposition – Proposition 112. I am also disappointed that three out of four of the candidates running for county commissioner (MB McAfee was voting for it) also declared their opposition.

This proposition affects all of us – our physical health. These setbacks are specifically about protecting ourselves and our children from the chemicals that pollute our atmosphere, specifically from the process called fracking and the problems associated with the many explosions and leaks that come from this dirty process.

The Four Corners area has the biggest methane cloud in the country because of all the gas/oil and coal extraction. Do we really need more?

I am disappointed that at the expense of our health, we are hearing about the tax revenue that we would loose from Kinder Morgan rather than focusing on renewable energy like solar that ultimately will create more jobs than gas and oil ever does for any area. I wonder if folks might consider the rate of cancer, heart disease and asthma that comes as a result of gas and oil extraction and perhaps reconsider how many more oil wells we need.

The gas and oil industry has spent millions of dollars selling us on how voting against this supports our community while those who are promoting this are private citizens who care about the health and wellbeing of our communities and are not in it for the money.

Joanie Trussel
