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Let cemetery mistake go

Regarding the story in the June 6 Cortez Journal, I am the mother of the young man that is buried in the “wrong spot” in the Cortez Cemetery.

I am sorry for the James family that a mistake was made at the cemetery regarding their purchased plots. However, when we lost our son we had to do the unthinkable and bury our child at the age of 24. The spot we picked is by his grandparents.

When you lose a child there is no other pain like it. This last year and a half have been just awful for our family, learning to live without our boy. We are now coping and living life again.

So when this was printed in the paper, you can imagine the surprise and the hurt this caused my family. Mr. and Mrs. James are still alive.

I recommend they go and pick a different spot together, and make new memories together with their children. At least they have that option.

Life is never fair, and disappointment is part of it. People make mistakes every day. It is what it is. We will not even consider relocating our son. Please, just let it go!

Linda Johnson
