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Herald endorsement ‘exploded my brain’

The Durango Herald’s endorsement of Jena Griswold’s opponent for secretary of state exploded my brain. After the Herald complimented Griswold as “excellent” at doing her job, the board explained its sole reason for the endorsement for the inexperienced newbie Anderson was based on a generalized promise to “eliminate partisanship.”

I appreciate that you listed Jena’s top-notch accomplishments and that you called her job performance excellent. What you did not mention is Jena’s quick discovery and actions when she barred actual partisan, third-party audit pretenders from invading several Colorado counties, like what happened with “cyber ninjas” in Arizona. For this election-saving act, she received so many death threats, the Colorado State Patrol could not keep up. One email even asked for her neck size so that she could be hung from a tree!

So yes, she did some talk shows and spent some money (Paul Revere used his horse) to alert the American people about the very possible demise of democracy. I saw one of those talk shows and now I volunteer to canvass door to door and share Jena’s message not to sit this one out. “The time to save democracy is before it is lost.”

Please, the Herald must not give away her endorsement when her cutting edge experience is exactly what is needed now. What some may feel is partisan was an honest attempt to warn the whole nation that our very fragile experiment called democracy may soon be gone for good.

Barbara Day
