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Healing Field returns to Farmington

A child walks amid the flags installed at the Farmington Boys and Girls Club, 1925 Positive Way. (Brad Ryan/Special to Tri-City Record)

The San Juan Rotary Club sponsored the Healing Field to Farmington for the 15th year during the Memorial Day weekend.

Fifty United States flags began flying in the grassy field at the Farmington Boys and Girls Club beginning Friday morning. They continued through Monday.

“We start Thursday evening marking the field and Friday morning we put out the flags,” said Terri Fortner, president-elect of the San Juan Rotary Club, which has 52 members, and will celebrate its 65th anniversary on June 11.

“We are fortunate to have a club that’s been in existence that long that has served our community,” Fortner said.

The Healing Field is a fundraising activity for the club and provides money for its Books for Schools program in which the club purchases books for McCormick Elementary School.

“We also will have dog tags for deceased veterans that family members can buy,” she said.

The Healing Field is open 24 hours a day until the after the closing ceremony, which will be at 6 p.m. on Memorial Day.