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GOP Senate candidate Glenn wins unlikely but remarkable primary

Landlocked Colorado is not known for big-wave surfing, except perhaps by kayak during the peak runoff season.

Do not tell that to Darryl Glenn. A county commissioner from El Paso County, Glen paddled bravely into a crowded field of 15 GOP candidates vying to unseat Democrat U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet in this election year. After winning the GOP primary this week – he was the clear winner in La Plata County as well – Glenn is now the last one standing heading into November. For a candidate virtually unknown statewide at the start of the year, it has been quite a ride.

With the momentum generated from a speech at the Republican state assembly on April 9 – a performance that has gone viral on conservative websites and blogs across the country – Glenn seems to have caught the same rogue political wave of anger and dissatisfaction among Republican voters that has buoyed Donald Trump on the national stage.

A staunchly conservative lawyer and Air Force veteran, Glenn does not at first glance strike many Colorado voters as your typical U.S. Senate candidate, and that is likely part of his appeal.

Glenn trailed all of his opponents in campaign funds going into the primary. In fact, he remarked during the campaign that he was not all that interested in fundraising. He was also the only candidate with an unpaid campaign staff.

Voters grown used to campaign juggernauts funded by copious donations and run by paid election strategists no doubt found Glenn’s run refreshing. He was also helped by endorsements from national conservative icons, including Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz.

Glenn was also cheered on during his primary run by an unlikely group of supporters: Colorado’s Democrats, who view him as too conservative to have a chance of toppling Bennet in the general election. For his part, Glenn has done little to change that impression, saying that it is a mistake for Republicans in the Senate to reach across the aisle to cooperate with Democrats.

Like any wild ride on a wave, Glenn’s run at a Senate seat has been remarkable. Whether it ends in victory or with an equally impressive wipeout, remains in question.

One thing is certain. Bennet is warm and dry on the beach.