Earth Day cleanup will be April 22 at Carpenter Natural Area

Volunteers are needed for the annual Carpenter Natural Area cleanup scheduled for Earth Day, April 22. (Journal file)
Volunteers needed to pull invasive weeds, work on trails

To celebrate Earth Day, Friends of the Carpenter Natural Area and Cortez Parks and Recreation will hold their annual cleanup day on April 22.

Meet at the Carpenter area west trailhead off County Road 25 at 10 a.m.

Parks and Recreation Director Creighton Wright will speak about the area and plans for the day.

Bring gloves, hat, water, shovels and rakes. The work will involve removing invasive weeds, maintaining trails and general cleanup. In case of wet weather or excessive mud, an alternative date will be determined.

Friends of Carpenter Natural Area was formed in 2021 to address problems of littering, graffiti, habitat destruction and damage to trails.

Terri Paul started the group with neighbors in the hopes of attracting more volunteers. This is the third annual cleanup for the area.

“I’m sure there are a lot of people who use the preserve and really appreciate it being there, so we hope people come,” Paul said in a previous story on the cleanup day.

For more information contact Terri Paul at, or