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Dolores 80 years ago

E. H. Golden, for the past several months a resident of Dolores, died at him home here about seven o'clock Tuesday morning, presumably of heart failure.

Mr. Golden attended the dance Monday night and, it is said, complained to some of feeling short of breath, but no one thought seriously of his condition. The next morning he became seriously ill and by the time Dr. Lefurgey had arrived he had passed away.

The body was turned over to Ertel mortuary and taken to Cortez where it awaits funeral arrangements. Vital organs were removed Wednesday and sent to Denver to determine exactly if possible the cause of his death.

It is understood that the father of the deceased will arrive here this Friday, after which it will be known when the funeral will be held.

Mr. Golden was about forty years of age and followed the occupation of insurance salesman here. He had been employed as railroad telegraph operator and was a member of the telegraphers' union. He was also a Mason.

He was born in Brookfield, Mo., according to the best available information.