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Deadline for school vote nears

With three School Board seats up for election this fall, the Mancos School District is still accepting petitions for candidates interested in getting on the ballot. The deadline is rapidly approaching.

Election official Theresa Titone said that three petitions for nomination have been submitted.

At the regular meeting of the Board of Education on Monday, July 20, the board approved a call for nominations for school directors to be placed on the Nov. 3 ballot.

To become a candidate for school director, a person must file a written notice of intent to be a candidate, and a nomination petition must signed by at least 25 eligible residents of the district who are registered to vote in the regular biennial school election.

Three candidates whose seats are up for election are Beverly Humiston Scott, Monty Guiles, and Wesley Rivera.

"I'm hoping some good people will come out and run," said Humiston Scott, who noted that she hasn't announced whether she'll seek re-election. "It's a great chance to step up and be involved in your kids' lives."

Three directors at this election will be elected for a term of office of four years. To be qualified, a candidate must have been a registered elector of the school district for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the election. A person is ineligible to run for school director if he or she has been convicted of committing a sexual offense against a child.

Nomination packets, which include a petition, circulators affidavit, acceptance of nomination, notice of intent, affidavit of qualifications for office, and local instructions are available at the Mancos School District Central Office from election official Titone. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Completed petitions must be submitted to the election official before 4 p.m., Aug. 28.

If you have additional questions, contact Titone at 970-533-7748 or ttitone@mancosre6.edu.