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‘Coram should be censored’

Don Coram, our state senator in Senate District 6, should be censored for publically supporting Adam Frisch, the Democratic candidate for the 3rd Congressional District.

I was appalled when I read of his recent betrayal of his Republican Party. Republicans across the country have been calling for unity in the party, and voting for Republicans only in this most important midterm election. It is imperative that the Democratic Party is defeated on Nov. 8 if our country wants to retain even our most basic freedoms. States like Ohio and Pennsylvania, with highly contested primary races, are uniting behind their Republican candidates. Why can’t Colorado show the same integrity?

Also, in late breaking news, verifiable proof exists that Frisch was blackmailed to change his vote in the Aspen City Council. So Coram is now supporting an alleged adulterer and someone who can be blackmailed for a vote.

All Republican central committees in CD3 must call to censor Coram and his wife, who is president of the Republican Women’s group in Montrose County.

Lori York
