
Conquistador Golf Course to get official guide

Advisory council approves city ad plan
A sample Bench Craft Co. guidebook, similar to one the city of Cortez plans to distribute for the Conquistador Golf Course.

The city of Cortez plans to step up its promotion of Conquistador Golf Course.

The city doesn’t advertise Conquistador much outside the Cortez area, and special events coordinator Jon Brooks hopes to partner with Bench Craft Co. to distribute a course guidebook as part of a larger state and national ad campaign for the city.

“A lot of advertising in the past has been pretty locally centered,” Brooks said during Wednesday’s meeting with the Golf Advisory Board. “Anybody who has the Yellow Pages here knows that there’s a golf course. ... People who are coming here need to know that there’s a course here so that they can play.”

In an email Wednesday after the Golf Advisory Board meeting, Brooks said the guidebook would be distributed in Four Corners cities such as Telluride, Moab and Farmington.

Brooks said Bench Craft, which has offices nationwide, would design and print the guidebook at no cost to the city, covering its expenses with advertisements placed inside it. Bench Craft would first target customers that have a golfing demographic, Brooks said.

He showed a Bench Craft guide for a course in Utah, which included maps and golfing tips for each hole.

“We have 5,000 of these for free, and we can distribute them as we like,” Brooks said.

Under the deal, the city would provide photos of the course and written content such as golfing tips. Brooks said he would arrange for photos, and board members said they’d be happy to help with tips.

“I think it’d be kind of fun to put together,” said Sam Jarvis.

Greenskeeper Russ Grover asked for time to make sure the course looks “pristine” for the photos. Otherwise, no one brought up concerns.

Updates on current business

Grover also said he planned to install the set of steps at the ninth tee within two weeks. The board approved the plan in May.Board member Mary Englehart said the Women’s Golf Association had approved a letter asking the Cortez City Council to create the position of golf course superintendent. Parks and Rec Director Dean Palmquist sent the first draft of the letter, which had been approved by the Men’s Association, to the council for discussion during its work session on June 13. The council did not make a decision about the request, and the Golf Advisory Board on Wednesday did not schedule a time to formally bring it before council.

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