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Boyle Park is on board agenda

Surveyor finds park is smaller than thought

The Mancos Town Board plans to discuss on Boyle Park, the credit card system and recreation programs at its meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11.

In August, the board directed staff to hire a surveyor to verify the acreage of Boyle Park. According to planning documents dating to 2002, the park was 13 acres. For $585, a survey company verified that the park is about 6.2 acres. Surveyors found a small piece of encroachment on the east side of the park from the adjacent property owner, and the board directed the town administrator to notify the property owner.

Town Administrator Andrea Phillips will ask the board Wednesday if she should pay a surveyor to do title research on the park, which could cost up to $2,000.

The board also plans to discuss the Mancos Economic Development Summit, scheduled for April 18, and discuss a property in executive session.

Phillips said that the February Mancos Municipal Court date has been canceled and she'll begin interviewing candidates for the judge position this week. The next court date is March 9 and. It is scheduled to occur at 5 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Mancos Town Hall meeting room, 117 N. Main St.

Phillips also said that a "Don't Flush That!" information flier will likely be mailed to Mancos residents at the end of the week, and grease trap inspections will begin soon at local restaurants.

The flier will remind residents that flushing wipes, grease and chemicals can harm the Mancos sewage treatment plant.

"We have pretty sensitive sewer equipment and have to be careful," Phillips said.