
Auditions for ‘Miracle on South Division Street’ are Saturday

Will Furse, Crystin Gellatly, Colleen Donley and Joy Horvath Imel rehearse for “Miracle On South Division Street” in 2015. Sam Green/The Journal

The Sunflower Troupe is holding auditions for its holiday play, “Miracle on South Division Street” by Tom Dudzick and directed by Hattie Miller, according to a news release Tuesday from the troupe.

“We are eager to cast the show and get going,” Heidi Brugge said in the news release.

Production dates are Dec. 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17. Rehearsals will begin in October, and schedules will be worked out between director and cast members.

Auditions will be held Saturday, Sept. 30 at noon at the Sunflower Theatre, 8 E. Main St. in Cortez. The troupe is seeking one male actor who can play someone in their mid-30s and two female actors – one who can play mid-30s and one who is their late 60s.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to fill out audition forms, the newsletter said. If you can’t make it at that time but would like to be considered, please email