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A saddle hits the stage

Couple make signature piece for Twain’s farewell tour

Durangoans Loren and Lisa Skyhorse are known for their intricate work in leather, with pieces in the permanent collection of the Booth Western Art Museum and scores of private collections.

In the Skyhorses’ 40-year career, they have made about 950 one-of-a-kind saddles, but the one that may be their most famous is the magnificent red-and-silver saddle, created for Shania Twain’s Farewell Tour. It’s gone viral on social media – in large part because of an Instagram photo by Miranda Lambert – and in the press in a photo in People magazine.

If the saddle weren’t dramatic enough, the way Twain uses it in her concerts is a showstopper. She sings her hit “Up!” while riding high over the audience in the saddle while a crane holds her up.

The saddle features 1,500 silver studs and Loren Skyhorse’s iconic braided silver.

Visit www.people.com/article/miranda-lambert-girls-night-shania-twain-concert to see the Skyhorses’ saddle – and Twain – in action.

Herald Staff