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A letter to Tipton on Native rights

Dear Congressman Scott Tipton.

H.R. 3189 is an all out attack against Indian tribes (Native Americans) land occupancy and water rights as given to us under treaties with the United States of America. Land, water and resources that were taken from the Native Americans of America. I would like a more clearer definition on paragraph (2) Requiring any water user (including any federally recognized Indian tribe) to apply for a water right in the name of the United States under state law as a condition of such a land use or occupancy agreement. And also on (6) limit or expand any existing reserved water right or treaty right of any federally recognized Indian tribe. This is what the federal government of the United States says about HR3189 - “The bill threatens the Federal governments longstanding authority to manage property and claims proprietary rights for the benefit of Indian tribes and reserved the Federal lands, and the broader public that depends on the -proper management of public lands and resources”. Is this just another attempt at another land and water grab?

Christopher Chavez
