
A government of, by and for the wealthy

We’ve all heard Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. One of the unforgettable lines reads “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Those words gave me comfort knowing that I would always have that tiny bit of actual power, the power to vote. Some person or machine would count my vote and add it to other votes.

We citizens, not some dictator, choose our representatives and leaders. Our new president wants to change it to “government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy.”

Ronald Reagan certainly believed that when he established “supply-side economics” that was specifically designed to funnel money away from the middle class and toward the wealthiest. He said the wealthy were better at investing capital.

Since Reagan’s term in office 40 years ago, $50 trillion has transferred from the middle class to the top 1%. We in the middle class have been screwed. Consumer prices have risen steadily and wages have stayed flat, all according to plan.

Trump’s hype about Panama, Greenland and Canada are distractions from the fact that we still can’t get ahead. If you do notice, Trump will say, “It’s the Democrats’ fault.”

Roger Woody
