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Ernest Luning

Poll finds unaffiliated voters in Colorado don’t like GOP, loathe Trump

Pollster says results ‘extraordinary’

Gardner: Probe Kavanaugh allegations

Woman from Boulder accuses Supreme Court nominee of sexual misconduct

Polis loyalists follow candidate’s decree: Keep campaign ‘joyous’

If Democrat Jared Polis’ campaign for governor has a mantra – and you can bet the five-term congressman from Boulder’s operation has a mantra – it’s this: “Be joyous.” That’s acco...

Jared Polis fires back at GOP attack over income taxes

Democratic gubernatorial candidate calls on opponent Walkter Stapleton to release tax records

What was learned about the unaffiliated factor in Colorado’s primary election?

Analysts say party-less voter participation offered challenges and opportunities

Colorado’s unaffiliated voters could confound stereotypes in election

Voters confound stereotypes, outnumber Democrats or Republicans