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UN food agency pauses its aid work at US pier in Gaza over security concerns, in latest setback

WASHINGTON (AP) — The director of the U.N. World Food Program said Sunday the program has “paused” its distribution of humanitarian aid from an American-built pier off Gaza, saying she was “...

The US is making its biggest push yet to get Israel and Hamas to halt fighting. Is it succeeding?

WASHINGTON (AP) — In Middle East capitals, at the United Nations, from the White House and beyond, the Biden administration is making its most concentrated diplomatic push of the eight-month...

The Biden administration says Israel hasn't crossed a red line on Rafah. This could be why

WASHINGTON (AP) — Acknowledging only “an uptick” in Israeli military activity, the United States has gone to lengths to avoid any suggestion that Israeli forces have crossed a red line set b...

First aid from US pier in Gaza has reached starving Palestinians, the UN says

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.N. World Food Program said Wednesday that it has handed out in Gaza in recent days a “limited number” of high-energy biscuits that arrived from a U.S.-built pier, the...