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Cortez finalizes permit for temporary winter homeless shelter

Grace Fellowship to host homeless while Bridge builds new facility
Ray Nephew adjusts the TV in a room at The Bridge Emergency Shelter in this 2012 file photo. Grace Fellowship church will host a temporary shelter this winter while The Bridge builds a permanent shelter.

The Cortez homeless population will still be able to find refuge this winter while the Bridge Emergency Shelter builds a new permanent home, but there will be changes this season.

The Cortez City Council on Tuesday approved a temporary conditional use permit for Grace Fellowship church to shelter up to 33 overnight residents per night between Nov. 1 and April 30. The Bridge previously operated a facility at 601 N. Mildred Road from 2006 to 2018. Montezuma County then sold the shelter building. The new shelter, at 735 N. Park St, is expected to open next summer.

“They didn’t have anywhere to go, they’ve been asking around at different places and different facilities and this is the only place that opened up for them,” Cortez associate planner Neva Connolly said.

Laurie Knutson, executive director at The Bridge, said she is “incredibly grateful” for Grace Fellowship. She said they will be able to use three rooms and one bathroom — one for women, one for men and one for gathering. Returning clients will likely notice a reduction in amenities this winter at the temporary shelter.

“This year, we know that we’re just not going to have the same setup for our guests as before,” Knutson said. “They’ve always had access to free laundry, they’ve had cable TV to watch and they’re just going to have to go without some of those things this season.”

In years past, Knutson said, the shelter never had to turn anyone away. The shelter has often taken in about 40 or 45 people on cold nights, so the limit of 33 overnight resident limit means there might not be a bed for everyone. She said no one is looking forward to turning people away, but it’s only temporary.

“We’ll all survive and that’s the purpose,” Knutson said. “We keep our clients surviving.”

As temporary shelter at Grace Fellowship will not include a commercial kitchen and laundry, Knutson said the shelter could use some additional donations this season, like paper plates, paper bowls, coffee, sugar and cleaning products.

“It would be really nice if people could deliver those if they feel so inclined,” Knutson said.
