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$60B ‘chump change’ with Putin war

First, I must applaud a Durango letter writer for her well-written contribution, suggesting $60 billion in Department of Defense funding go toward aid for Ukraine. It is irrefutable, Russian...

‘GOP plans no different than Iran’s Sharia law’

On Feb. 6, in Owasso, Oklahoma, a 16-year-old nonbinary, sophomore was beaten by a gang of girls in a school bathroom and died the next day. Who is to blame? The girls? Yes. The Oklahoma edu...

‘Total disregard for foundational principles’

Having been a member of this community for more than 50 years, and having taught multiple generations (middle school, high school, college) for 43 years, I feel certain that my friends, acqu...

‘Wind, wakes the common problem’

In response to an editorial on Feb. 23, citing reasons to further reduce power boat times, some statements were misleading. Comparing Lake Nighthorse usage figures, from Durango Parks and R...

‘Opens door for Council to silence us’

City Council is creating policy that would prevent future resolutions regarding “religious or international politics.” Because it’s internal policy, Council members could pass it without tak...

‘Sad, tragic story shouldn’t happen’

The other night walking down Main Avenue, I came across “Joe.” We had chatted numerous times in the past. Joe, an older guy with significant back problems, walks with great difficulty. Sitti...

‘Countless lakes met rules for ramp’

The Friday editorial on motorized versus nonmotorized usage at Lake Nighthorse was somewhat disingenuous. When this subject first came up before the opening, it was pointed out that federal ...

Navalny’s ‘life had grand purpose’

Oh, Alexei, today, I am with you on your journey of liberation. Your great spirit, your brave soul has been a lesson and a teaching for all of us. I grieve the loss of your ideal of this lif...

Cut DOD for ‘$60 billion to Ukraine’

I know the billions already spent on aid for Ukraine is only 5% of the annual $700 billion to $800 billion funding the U.S. Department of Defense. With that amount, there could be a list of ...

Navalny ‘had guts to stand up’

I was truly saddened to learn of the murder of Alexei Navalny in a cold, artic Russian gulag, leaving behind a wife and two kids. The man had the guts to stand up to one of the creepiest, mo...

U.S. flag, Trump support ‘at cross purposes’

It is often said, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” That is appropriate, as I often see American flags flown in the same display as support for “Trump 2024.” I believe that t...

U.S. flag, Trump support ‘at cross purposes’

It is often said, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” That is appropriate, as I often see American flags flown in the same display as support for “Trump 2024.” I believe that ...
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