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Super Bowl ‘ad failed to capture’ foot-washing, Holy Week message

During the Super Bowl last month, a Christian organization ponied up millions of dollars for a commercial that confused more people than it inspired. That is too bad, during this Holy Week, ...

Our View: Time for Native healing practices at VA

Southern Ute member Richards to bring overdue perspective

Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

‘I’m smarter than Don’

Donald Trump’s rallies appear to be popular with empty bobbleheads, bobbing with approval for some really stupid things and certifiable untruths coming directly from Trump’s pie hole. I need...

‘Holding child sexual abusers accountable’

As the systems response program director at the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault, I represent our statewide sexual assault organization in various legislative groups and councils. I...

Bears Ears’ ‘integrity matters less than political gamesmanship’

Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument rarely leaves the news. The political tussle over this stunning expanse of red rock canyons exemplifies all the cultural dissonance in the rural West. Thr...

An Artilleryman’s Memorial Day

I observe the anniversary crawl near, a guerilla action of memory as past arcs in time, Marches ago, a distant trajectory, a short round the crime. In unsuspecting hours if truth be told, a...

Editorial cartoon

‘Feels eerily like precursor to Germany’s ultimate invasion’

Slightly more than two years ago, Russian military troops invaded Ukraine. Thus far, the U.S. and many other countries have provided billions of dollars in aid to the Ukrainian people. The E...

MAGA engaging in ‘religious, political hate speech’

Various anti-hate campaigns in the media today fail to mention the biggest hate movement of all, the one currently sponsored by far-right Republicans against Democrats. Republicans have inci...

Oppose Dolores monument: ‘Leave it unique’

I oppose the Dolores River Canyons National Monument proposal. You’re welcome to explore off the beaten path, uncovering hidden gems, escaping the hustle of your everyday life. You’re welco...
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